Friday, December 4, 2015

I stepped on a scale

For the first time in months I did the dreaded deed- I stepped on a scale. I didn't want to.  I knew the numbers would be awful after my foot injury, thanksgiving, my birthday tailgate, and lots of delicious beer.  I started the 21 day fix extreme again as part of my Year End Resolution (saying see ya 10 pounds!) and knew I had to make sure I was eating in the correct calorie bracket.  I saw the number and gasped and became incredibly discouraged.  But then I also became super motivated.  I didn't feel like that number.  I'm proud of my muscles and I more importantly- I like them.  They help me do so many incredible things.  I can power through a workout that once seemed impossible.  I can jump higher than I ever could before.  Am I perfect? Absolutely not.  Am I still working towards a specific goal? Abso-freaking-lutely.

Weight is just a number.  After 4 days of clean eating and dedication I already feel 100 times better.  I need to get a body fat percentage scale and measure it that way instead.  Don't focus on the number.  Focus on fueling your body with whole nutritious food to dial in that nutrition.  Focus on challenging yourself physically to see the wonderful things your body is capable of.  On day 4 I already feel that definition in my legs coming back.  I already feel my abs poking out through the holiday excess.  I already feel myself becoming stronger in my workouts.  The rest of 2015 is mine for the taking and I'm ridiculously excited!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Just a little perspective

I don't sit still well.  In high school I used to be known as the energizer bunny who just never stops moving.  I love moving.  I love jumping from project to project.  I love staying focused on a goal.  I love achieving those goals.  I don't do well when I feel stationary in my life.  I don't like slowing down because there are so many beautiful things in this world I don't want to miss.

Training for my second half was drastically different.  I used different runs and increased my mileage over a longer period of time.  I ran more often than last time to ensure that I could just put one foot in front of the other.  Not every run was perfect and I was proud of getting the distance even if I walked more than I wanted to.  I had a balance of cross training and weights as well as running that I even balanced with my nutrition where I didn't feel limited at any time.

This past Sunday I finished my first 10 miler and then pain hit.  When I say pain I mean intense serious pain.  I like to think I have a high tolerance and I can handle anything.  The middle of my foot hurt more than I could have ever imagined every time I stepped on it.  It had a shooting pain even when I was sitting down with no weight pressed on it.

I immediately texted my super amazing runner friend Christine asking her what I did and what I should do.  It felt like my injury after the warrior dash last year and I immediately went into panic mode and worried that I broke it this time.  In my 24 (almost 25) years on this gorgeous planet I have never broken a bone and I'd like to keep it that way.  I immediately went straight to elevation and ice and remained stationary Sunday.  I had plans to hit golf balls and maybe get a hike in that turned into, "no just kidding you can't even walk because it hurts worse than getting punched in the gut five hundred times" (not that I've gotten punched there but I can imagine it really hurting).


Those long runs and months of training... gone.

I trained harder. I thought I trained smarter.

I had my goal and I was working for it.

I was appreciating what my body could do and yet my body is the very thing that failed me.

Panic set in for awhile.  I didn't want to accept it.  After a visit to my favorite sports medicine doctor I got a diagnosis of a repeat injury same as last October and a walking boot for 2 weeks.  Walking boots are absolutely incredible.  I am still beyond amazed that I was able to eliminate all pain (which was at a solid 8) from the second I put it on.  It took some getting used to.  The first few days were rough.  Now it's been over a week and I'm so thankful that I have the boot to help me.  Yes it's a pain to take it on and off but I know I've been resting my body and preparing it for everything else I have yet to do.  Some days I still feel lopsided if I wear flats or wedges that are too high.  Some days I still get incredibly sad that I'm not running the half.  Luckily I was able to transfer my registration to the next half marathon in April but, that doesn't mean I'm not incredibly sad that my focus had to change.

Shifting my focus has given me perspective.  Once I'm back to normal I know I'll never take for granted the things that I am able to do.  It's still things that Emily 2 years ago couldn't have ever dreamed of doing.  I'm thankful I'm able to heal and take a break before I hit the ground running and focus on different goals.  This injury has helped me slow down and be patient even though that was absolutely the last thing I wanted to do.  This injury has given me a strength I didn't even know needed to be strengthened.  

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Dear Summer 2015- Where did you go!?

It feels like just yesterday I was packing my life into my car to start my 3 month adventure back home and in less than a week I'll be packing it up again to head back to reality.  My internship was the absolute best thing that ever could have happened to me.  I could gush for days and months about how much I love what I do professionally! While passion for what I do goes hand in hand with my health and fitness, my professional passion certainly runs over my health and fitness passion.

I got a little lost and caught up in everything this summer.  I spent too long on the pity train for how I'm still not at that fictional "supposed to be" place.  I see other peoples transformations and think, "wait, I literally work my ass off and I'm still not there yet." I mentioned before that this summer had a special focus on lifting. I joined a gym where I had access to plenty of machines that I thoroughly enjoyed while I followed a set workout plan from  I tried my first attempt at counting macros and failed miserably.  I definitely believe that my macros counting "learning experience" failed so miserably because I did not really have access to a kitchen.  Also, when your 84 year old grandpa buys ice cream because he was thinking of you, the best option is letting your family and friends love on you.  Letting go of my ridiculous expectations and just enjoying what I'm doing is still something I struggle with.

During my 10 week lifting program I started having aches and pains in places I've never had issues in before.  I felt my knees and ankles start to feel weird.  I started missing my beach body programs that made me sore in all the right places without any discomfort.  I missed Uncle Tony and Autumn taking me through weight routines that challenged me.  I missed Chalene stretching me out with piyo.  I missed Shaun T pushing me to dig deep through body weight exercises.  I love the flexibility of these programs.  I love that while I'm doing these workouts I indulge less because I know I need my fruits and veggies to perform the way I want to.    

During Coach Summit this summer Shaun T released a new program.  It's called Cize and it's all about dancing.  As a girl who spent 11.5 years dancing weekly and 3.5 of those competing I ordered this one the SECOND I could! I've only done the first two routines but it's so incredible and it brings me back to a place I haven't been in such a long time.  My body craves moving like a dancer.  It's the kind of movement that takes me back to my happy place.  It's movement I used to spend countless hours on everyday for years.  It's movement where your mind lets go and your body takes over.  It's the kind of feeling I search for when I run.  I love learning the new routines and then letting my heart take over because it's more than just doing the moves.  As corny as it is, it's a part of your soul shining through.

Weights make me feel strong and powerful.

Running makes dig into my weaknesses and conquer them, thus making me feel invincible.

Insanity makes me feel like a rockstar.

Yoga centers me.

Cize makes my heart happy.

Finding the right mix of all of these things makes me feel like me.  I feel healthy and strong and empowered to pour my heart into my other passions.  Every workout helps me let go of all negative emotions and feed myself with positive endorphins that help power me.  I know what I want and I know what it takes to get there. 

Here's to another eventful fall! I've got a really good feeling about you!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Oops I Did it Again!

I've officially signed up for half marathon number 2.  During yesterday's short sprint run I thought... I am certifiably insane to attempt to run 13.1 miles again.  And approximately two minutes later I hit my runner's high and knew it was going to be worth it.  This time I don't want to take any walking breaks.  I am going to run the entire distance.  This time I know what worked for my training and what didn't.  I know what I have to change and what I have to do to fuel my body to perform athletically.  It's a challenge and I'm ready for it.

This time I plan to have more longer runs.  6 miles was my super happy place last time and this time I want to work my way back up to where 10 is my happy place.  I'm really hoping that will help make mile 9 not as miserable as it was last time.  This is one of those times I'm extremely glad I'm as stubborn as I am to talk myself and convince myself to stick to it.  I'm still working to find the perfect training schedule where I can incorporate everything I love into a healthy balance.

Everytime I start a new fitness leg of my journey I feel like I'm going on a first date.  With every new workout routine I try I feel a little anxious, a little nervous, and excited to see what could happen.  Luckily I always know what to wear for a workout so it's got that going for it more than a first date does.  If I can get my hands on a bike I'm really excited to potentially do a triathlon.  I've got my eye on a baby one so it looks perfect to get that ball rolling.  The past 7 weeks I've been lifting roughly 5 days a week while incorporating small runs or an occasional spin class to vary it up.  I love the flexibility of being in love with so many different physical activities.  Most days I feel stronger than ever and ready to commit to the next task at hand.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


You know that scene from Mean Girls where they make all the girls stay after school and talk about their feelings?  Throughout April and part of May I felt like that girl who just said, "I just have a lot of feelings".  My feelings range from extremely happy and excited to terrified I'll mess something up to completely and totally exhausted.

Over a month ago (time has seriously flown by) I finished 21 day fix extreme (well abbreviated really like 18 day fix extreme).  My nutrition has never been that on point (or on fleek as the young kids are saying) as during those days.  I never strayed from the meal plan.  I adapted to eating on the go and meal prepping like a pro to make sure I never had an excuse.  I loved experimenting with carb cycling and seeing what my body was capable of.  I saw the beautiful beginnings of what will eventually be my abs.  I know they've been playing hide and seek for quite awhile but I still get excited every time they play peek a boo.  While this did mean some social sacrifices (I had a Shakeology before I watched my family eat Mother's Day brunch and then my meal whenever we got back home), I knew that since it was such a limited amount of time and I'm stubborn enough to do anything I set my mind to that I could handle it.  Overall my weight didn't change (reality check: I HATE stepping on a scale because that's not what's important to me anymore) but I did see a significant change in how my clothes fit and new muscles that started popping.

I celebrated those 18 days of hard work and discipline with a trip to Houston that included a mexican night (one of the best margaritas of my life), pizza, and watching my first Ironman.  Watching the Ironman athletes was an incredible experience that deserves it's own post one day.  It was truly a humbling experience to see what these athletes go through to compete at that level.  While I will never do an Ironman (ok maybe a half one day ;)), I respect the crap out of those athletes.

Following that weekend I attempted to dive right into macros as I was starting my summer internship.  I even hired someone I follow on instagram to "prescribe" me macros and help me through the process. (#teamkatiesfitscript)  While this was an excellent idea in theory, it has proven to be quite a challenge.  This summer I've had the challenge of balancing macros with living in a house with limited kitchen access (to say the least) and a city full of amazing restaurants that of course don't have their nutrition on MFP! With that in mind, macros are actually kind of fun.  Hear me out. Do I like tracking every single thing in My Fitness Pal and feeling a bit obsessive? No, absolutely not.  Do I hit those numbers every day? Absolutely not, but I come as close as I can.  But do I like the balanced feeling where if I want that extra spoon of peanut butter I can make it work? Absolutely.  Do I love the feeling of having froyo or ice cream if I plan for it is actually a reality? Absolutely.  While my macros are far from perfect, by being a bit obsessive for at least a few days a week I feel more balanced.  I don't feel that panic of, "We're going out to eat but I know they won't have anything in my diet."  Instead I plan more accordingly and guesstimate what I'll eat and make it work.  It's called flexible dieting for a reason. Is this an excuse to eat like crap? Absolutely not.  I'll take more salmon and broccoli please.

For the first few weeks I felt discouraged.  *cue the feelings that all started* I had days where I wasn't able to make it work and I felt like a slave to my iPhone.  I had feelings of doubt that I would ever find that balance to help me not feel like I'm missing out in group settings.  I like being known as the healthy girl (that reputation has followed me to this internship and they were shocked and teased me when I opted for the taco truck instead of my turkey wrap, apple, and greek yogurt- some things never change).  I had doubts that all my hard work in the gym (which has never been my problem) would ever show.  I was scared that my body would never be where I thought it should be.  I was restless with the fact that I changed my lifestyle almost two years ago and I don't feel like I am where I should be.  I was scared that I would have one oreo and any physical gains I had made would disappear.  I felt restless in that I didn't know what else to do.  This cycle lasted for about 3 weeks.

At some point over the past week I took a step back.  I looked in the mirror.  I could see a difference.  I felt tighter in the places I wanted to be.  I saw definition in my upper thighs that I've been working for for years.  I wasn't giving my body or myself enough credit.  I stopped being so hard on myself and felt my body relax.  While keeping an eye on my macros, I've been able to perform athletically and mentally.  I haven't been restricting myself in any social situation and the hard work is paying off.  Because I've been consistent with my workouts and my healthy choices, the results are still coming. The pros say so many people stop a diet after 2 weeks because they aren't seeing changes.  Did I think about quitting macros altogether? For a split second until I remembered that I paid to have someone help me through it.  I'm so glad I'm still pushing past the two and three week mark because this is where the magic happens.

Macros are essentially following Shaun T's 80% clean and 20% dirty eating rule.  "Rome wasn't built in a day and neither was your body." I was impatient to see the results that I desperately wanted.  I have to take a step back and remind myself that the girl who I was two years ago would have given anything to be where I am today.

Keep pushing, #fitfam! Remember that we all feel these feelings and that they make the feeling on the other side even more satisfying!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Want Vs. Need

As I finish up Day 13 of the 21 Day Fix Extreme, I find myself constantly struggling with the words want and need.  While I was growing up and gaining wisdom, I would consistently say, "Mom, I need x,y,z."  I always hear her say, "Do you want it or do you need it?."  In today's society we have basic needs and we have extravagant wants.  I've become very conscious about if I truly want something versus if I need it.  While I may want to stuff my face with ice cream, I really just need to keep eating my protein shakes.

Nutrition truly is the biggest factor in any equation to change your body.  This program's nutrition is based on fueling your body and your workouts with whole, nutritious, and real food.  I haven't had to change too many things about my eating habits (although I miss my quest bars and french vanilla coconut milk coffee creamer) and I absolutely LOVE the way my body performs.  Since I'm following the Countdown to Competition plan this means Ive been experimenting with carb cycling in a way.  I have to admit that I'm actually slightly enjoying that part.  I know that I don't feel fueled to take on a long run but I feel incredibly fueled and empowered to tackle the 21 Day Fix Extreme workouts and whatever else factors into my day.  I'm excited to see what my next chapter in my nutrition journey to find a balance.

I want a heaping spoonful of peanut butter.  I want a burger and a bagel and pizza.  I want wine and a margarita.  I want to eat an entire bag of popcorn.  I want all of the junk food that I usually treat myself with by following the 80% clean 20% dirty eating plan.  I want to go for a run (this one might be a need).  But despite all those wants, the want to finish this program feels so much greater.  Sometimes my mind may argue on that point, but I've come this far and I can't give up now.  I'm at a point where I already feel I am the smallest I've ever been.  I feel and see my muscles popping in all of the right places.  This is the time in the past where I slacked off and gotten lazy.  I don't want to do that this time.  I want to keep going and NOT stop. I want to see what can happen more than I want that peanut butter and everything else that is not in this careful portion controlled system.  I want to stay committed to this program and not give up and give into the other wants that I know I feel and sometime confuse for needs.  The want to stay committed helps give me the willpower to say no to all of the things I know I can portion back into my diet once these 3 weeks are over.  I've luckily been able to prepare all of my food so far, but Mother's Day brunch this Sunday could prove to be quite a challenge.  I'm slightly excited to see how closely I can keep to my normal eating routine.

Trusting the process is one of the hardest parts.  Sometimes I wake up and feel that nothing has happened and there's no point so I might as well go get a spoonful of peanut butter.  Results do not happen overnight and I find that I have to consistently remind myself of that fact. It's all about staying consistent and eating for the body I want and not the body I have.  I know that everyone is built differently and my ideal body (a vain one at that) is probably not possible given my bone structure, but I still want to keep fighting to be the best me I can be.  As it stands now, I've never felt more comfortable in my own skin.  Autumn has a motivation quote before every workout and each one hits home.  Last night on instagram she also posted a quote about just sweating and enjoying the process.  I have to keep reminding myself of where I've started and how my dream body won't magically appear in 21 days.  It's a stepping stone and a lifestyle change that will never end.   I'm so grateful I still enjoy every step of the journey!

With an upcoming trip to visit my brother and see my friend complete her first Iron(wo)man in Houston at the end of next week I know that all of my wants will become reality and they will be even more satisfying if I don't give up now.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

It's Time to Get SERIOUS

Oh hey April.... wait you're leaving?!

I cannot believe how quickly this month has FLOWN by.  My parents always used to say that time speeds up as you get older and I was hesitant to believe them.  5 year old sometimes (almost always) impatient Emily used to think that a minute was the longest time period ever and wanted time to speed up.  Those time outs my parents used to put me in for talking back? 5 minutes on the timer felt like a lifetime.  There was too much to do and see and I couldn't just sit there! Now 24 year old Emily feels so much differently.  Staying still is not my strongest suit but I still want to soak in every second and I'm not completely ok with feeling the days and weeks flying by.  Time flies when you're having fun and I'd certainly say I've been loving every second of it!

At the beginning of this month I ran my first official 10K.  Looking back that seems like a lifetime ago.  I completely NAILED my goal time which felt so unbelievably good.  I wanted to prove to myself that I could still run 6.2 miles.  While I was training for my half 6.2 was my happy place and to know that it's still a happy place is a huge relief. I also absolutely LOVED having my favorite cheerleaders waiting for me at the finish line, even though it was a struggle to find them.

This month was filled with a special visit from friends, actual school work (wait what!?), and the chance to attend a wedding of two incredibly special people.  With all of the joys that this month brought, somehow my summer internship snuck up on me! My program allows us the opportunity to complete a 10 week internship wherever I would like.  The homesick puppy that I was quickly chose to go to New Orleans for this incredible experience.  Somewhere along the past 6 months Knoxville has started to feel like home which makes my heart incredibly torn in two.  I know I'm a lucky girl to have two such special places to call home but that never makes leaving either one of them any easier.  I leave for Louisiana tomorrow and I was not entirely sure how I would take teaching my last spin class until August.  I like to think I powered through but I made my spinners take a sweaty and cheesy picture with me all the same.  I'm not ready to not see my spinners sweating their booties off as I tell them to push that tush back half an inch in hand position 3!

All of that being said- after my 10K my fitness goals hadn't changed (I WILL be one giant muscle) April was mostly getting in as many spin classes, runs, lifting, and piyo days while I juggled the many trips, visits, and trying to keep my diet as balanced as possible.  I knew it was going to be hectic (and we know how I LOVE a challenge) but I'm so grateful for every opportunity that April brought.  Views as stunning as this are my favorite.

After the craziness died down, I decided to buckle down and start the 21 Day Fix Extreme.  Last time I did the 21 Day Fix I decided to be an over achiever (or an idiot) and overtrained which meant I usually ended up overeating and not properly fueling my body.  This time I'm sticking to only her workouts and MAN Lower Fix Extreme has me sore in all of the right places.  I feel my body changing and I like it!  I'm doing the Countdown to Competition Plan which means my first experiment with true carb cycling. My particular calorie bracket has me eating 7 proteins and 1 carb and 4 vegetable servings for two days and then the regular eating plan with only 4 proteins, 3 purples, and 3 carbs and 4 vegetable servings.  It's a weird feeling that I'm trying to form into coherent words but I am amazed at how your body can function without carbs.  Do I miss my fruits and extra carb servings!? Of course! But I know that I can stick to it for just 21 days and see what could potentially happen to get me closer to my goal.

Sticking to this program gives me such a sense of accomplishment and as always I am incredibly excited for the next 16 days! :)

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Insanity: Max 30- CHECK!

I cannot believe that it's almost been two weeks since I finished Insanity:Max30! I absolutely love finishing off a program.  I feel so incredibly accomplished and excited about the changes that that particular program brought both physically and mentally.  Max 30 brought the most changes to my endurance.  I feel myself craving to reach that point where I max out and push my body to new limits. I felt myself getting stronger as I went just a little bit longer beating my max out time every time.  I would also feel the areas where I needed to work harder and improve.  Max 30 was such a fantastic workout that kicked my butt every single day for 60 days.

It's no surprise that I love challenges.  I decided to challenge myself by signing up for a few races all within about 2 of finishing the program.  This meant that I also threw in runs along the way of the last few weeks which definitely kicked my booty.  All in all though, I managed to shave about 30 seconds off of my 5k PR and I'm excited to see what I can do on my 10k in a few days.  Part of me isn't exactly sure if I can still run 6.2 miles but I am sure excited to try and see what I can do.

Another huge change during this program was my nutrition.  I really dialed in every opportunity I could and when I did I never felt leaner and stronger.  About halfway through this program I also managed to jump down another pants size in my favorite brand which is extremely satisfying.  I definitely feel that my love handles are officially gone and they are never coming back! My core is stronger and every now and then I feel and see my baby abs coming in.  I've never felt more comfortable in the changes that have happened and the changes that are yet to come.  The last week of the program I did enjoy being home in Louisiana a little too much (no regrets!) but I'm still proud of my before and after and still completely in love with this journey.

As much as this cardio junkie LOVED this program, she also desperately missed lifting.  My trick has always been finding a balance between everything I love and lifting was something that was neglected over those 60 days.  The first day I popped in p90x back and biceps I was shocked at how quickly I lost what I had built.  I took a humble pill and lowered my weight so I still felt it.  Luckily I managed to get back to my previous reps and weights today but I know I still have work to do and I cannot wait.  

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Never Underestimate the Power of Passion

I could write and talk for days about passion. How beautiful it is to find your passion.  How incredible it is to share your passion.  How satisfying it really is to feel your passion flowing through you.

For roughly the past 3 weeks my life has been literally "snowed in".  Somehow I managed to still get to do my passion throughout this time and even extend it into a new #fitfam.

Tony Horton posted a challenge about posting a picture of how you #liveinspired onto a new fitness app called #BurnThis.  It's basically a Pinterest for all of your workouts and I happened to stumble upon it during the beginning of this snowpocalypse.  It is literally people who are as passionate about health and fitness as you are posting pictures to encourage you no matter where you are on your journey.  I love having a place where my healthy meals and things I find encouraging are welcomed with open arms because everyone is fighting for the same thing: to be the best version of themselves they can possibly be. It's such a huge part of any fitness journey that is so much more than losing weight and "getting skinny".  Truly being healthy is a mind, body, and spirit connection that starts with your determination and motivation.  If you're looking for a little extra motivation I highly recommend checking out BurnThis! And I'm not just saying that because I'm an ambassador! ;)

Everytime I fuel my body with real food I feel the difference in my workouts and my professional life.  I feel the incredible passion surging through my body.  It's that feeling after a really good lifting session when I fight for one more rep.  It's that feeling when I fight to max out just 1 minute more during Insanity:Max 30 (Two weeks left and I CANNOT wait to blog about that incredible program!). It's that feeling when I'm in clinic and I actually know what to say and it comes naturally.  It's that feeling when I talk to my family and friends and I feel the love and passion in what they do.  It's the feeling during an intense spin class and I see the sweat dripping from my student's faces.  It's the feeling when I'm pushing them to crank up that resistance as the climb the hill and I just start smiling because I absolutely LOVE seeing them conquer that mental obstacle they happen to be working through.  I love smiling in the middle of it knowing it's more that I ever knew I could do.  It's amazing what a difference it can make just to know what I'm capable of.  I was underestimating myself in so many aspects of my life and I can't wait to see what happens when I keep getting opportunities to share my passion.  

Here's looking at everyone who has found their passion and everyone who is still looking! I promise it's out there and right around the corner if you open your mind and embrace the endless possibilities!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Just one little Reese's won't hurt...

I actually played with that conversation in my head early yesterday afternoon.  I had just finished my lunch and I was making some copies in the copy room.  The copy room at my work study job ALWAYS has a candy bar.  Some days I grab a peppermint (especially if I feel like I have coffee breath) but most days my will power is strong enough not to give into temptation.  Yesterday there was a Reese's heart in honor of Valentine's Day.  I felt extremely tempted but after waking up at 6 AM to fit in my Friday fight, I decided to push myself and see what would happen if I say no.  Shaun T always talks about how his workouts are a fight between your mind and your body.  In the first month of Insanity:Max 30 I've been pushing through to see which one will win.  Sometimes it's my body but usually it's my mind saying "no keep going for 5 more seconds.  Just one more rep." I feel more powerful than ever. Month 1 has flown by and I can't wait to see the changes in Month 2!

Yesterday afternoon after deciding NOT to have the Reese's I was dying for an afternoon run.  Despite the fact that it was 23 degrees I bundled up and hit one of my favorite routes and decided to do a quick 2 miles.  When I said quick,  I didn't know how quick it would actually be.

Considering I usually average a 10-11 minute mile (12 when I'm running long), I reached the end of the route and was completely blown away by what had just happened.  I tuned the rest of the world out, turned some Maroon 5 up, and just got into the zone.  It felt liberating and so refreshing to get into this run even though my fingers were freezing.  Amazing things happen when you fuel your body with real food.

This past month I've really been dialing in on my nutrition.  I've been trying to fuel my body with real, whole foods (my favorite really) in order to see what else I can accomplish.  After eating as clean as possible (only cheats being Quest bars when I'm trying to get in more protein) I'm blown away by how my body was able to move at this pace relatively easily.  I've been reading SuperLife by Darin Olien: The Five Forces That Will Make You Healthy, Fit, and Eternally Awesome.  I was looking for a book that would give me more insight on how our incredible bodies work and this book was just the ticket.  Amazing things happen when we fuel our bodies with real, unprocessed food.  While I may have missed out on the few moments of bliss the Reese's would have brought, I know I've gained so much more.  I'm so glad I resisted a moment of instant gratification, but more on that later. :)  

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


There's something magical about starting off my day with Insanity:Max 30.  Literally jumping out of bed (after snoozing a few times), drinking some C4 (yeah I have a weird reaction to Creatine where I may have trouble sleeping but this stuff tastes like a watermelon jolly rancher- AKA perfection) and then maxing out with Shaun T.  By getting my daily dose of happiness in earlier I felt so much calmer throughout the day.  It definitely helps me feel more in control physically and mentally.  I have so much more stamina not to eat 2 (lezbehonest heaping) spoonfuls of peanut butter because I did not get up extra early to screw around.  All day I feel like I have had extra time because I focused better than I normally do.  I'm definitely crediting this same energy to my incredible afternoon run.

The weather is supposed to be freezing towards the end of the week (as in the low is 12 degrees- I love 30s-40s but teens is where I draw the line). I knew if I didn't run early I'd miss my chance this week. On my way to my run I checked my garmin battery and thought "I better charge that after this quick little run."  Little did I know that when I went to press start on my Garmin it had other plans and promptly died.    I said "screw it" and started running.  It wasn't just the "yeah I'm running and I somewhat hate myself for doing this to my body".  It was the "oh-my-gosh-this-feels-incredible-and-I-could-run-forever run."  It was the groove I desperately couldn't find during my half.  It was the controlled breathing and focus and determination to push myself just a little bit further.  It was the reason that girl who absolutely hated running in gym class started running because she loves how free it makes her feel.  Free from worry and care because the only thing that matters is what's between me and that road.  It's the simple joy I try to create for my spinners in every class.

After the run, I drove the route after and realized that I ran 2.5 miles in a little over 20 minutes.   I underestimated what I was capable when I constantly feel the need to check.  By tuning out and finding my groove I was able to focus better than I have in awhile.  I feel as though I unplugged from my expectations.  The whole unplugging thing is definitely something that I feel I've been doing in multiple areas of my life.  Only unplugging allowed me to truly dial into the right mindset to get the job done.

Surprise yourself! Don't ever underestimate yourself.  Remember you are capable of so much more than you give yourself credit for.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

'Cause uptown funk gon' give it to you

I've always been selective about the reality I accept.  While I am perfectly aware of what is happening around me and can put on my big girl panties and deal when necessary, I selectively avoid topics and things I'd rather not deal with because I'd rather focus on the positives.  Focusing on all that negative energy only makes me sad and I'd rather be happy any day.

Recently, my reality has had a way of creeping up on me and pushing me into a place where I can't focus.  It's a place where I feel distracted from my goals and distracted from being the person I know I am.  I hear that negative self talk more than I'd like to admit.  Ever since the half I feel like I'm waiting for something to happen.  I'm waiting for the results I know are coming.  I'm waiting for my hard work to pay off and waiting to finally be where I thought I should be.  I'm tired of waiting for my two bruised toenails to fall off!

Today I reached the point where I'm tired of waiting.  I'm tired of waiting to not feel disappointed in my time.  I'm tired of waiting to feel accomplished.  I'm ready to take pride in what I've accomplished.  I'm ready to turn those negatives that have been adding up into the positives that I know they are.  I would say I'm tired of constantly finding that silver lining, but in reality I live for these silver linings!

Instead of thinking about what I'm considering a horrible time on the half, I'm going to be thankful I'm at a point in my fitness where I could let alone finish 13.1 miles and learn from it.  Instead of thinking of all of the things my body isn't, I am incredibly thankful for how strong I feel not only physically but mentally.  Instead of letting people's actions get the better of me and being disappointed whenever someone isn't who I thought they were, I'm going to enjoy people for what they are.  Instead of mourning the chapter of my life that has come to a close, I will find a new renewal in this next chapter that is just beginning.  I've been feeling an incredible loss over relationships that are changing.  I need to be incredibly thankful for them since they've helped me reach where I am today.  My mom always says that everyone is in your life for a reason or a season.  Instead of thinking of all the things I can't do, I'm going to focus on all of the things I can do.    

I'm a week and a half into Insanity:Max 30 (Expect another post about that at the end of the week!).  While I'm loving it with every fiber of my being,  I desperately miss lifting and running.  There's something so freeing after a killer run or a really good heavy lift session.  I want to be able to do it all without overtraining or injuring myself.  I just want to be one giant muscle that can do anything.  And especially do a few pull ups.  That will most likely be my next goal after finishing this Max 30 madness.  Luckily I don't have to miss spinning since I just do doubles on those days I teach ;). I'm still amazed that my body craves moving athletically.  Part of me knew it was going to happen and part of me still can't believe it.  I know I always say this crazy journey, but it's incredibly true.  This crazy journey has led me to an incredible place and I know that another incredible place has got to be around the corner.

While I may be slowly creeping out of a funk, I still haven't stopped working as hard as I can and pushing myself to new limits.  Here's to the hard work being worth it!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Half Crazy= Check!

Alright it's a beautiful day and I'm loving this let's rock!

Wow already mile 2! feeling goo... uh oh I have to pee

Whew so much better! I shouldn't check my time... but ahh best 5k ever! Let's stay strong!

Woah how did I forgot we get to run around LSU!?! This is awesome!

Oh hello Tiger Stadium you look just as beautiful as ever! I should probably stop and take a selfie... wait I don't like selfies and I don't want to stop!

Alright mile 6 this still feels good! Let's keep rocking!

Today really is beautiful.  I couldn't imagine anything else I'd rather be doing

Woah you're really rocking this Emily! I should probably check my time to see how... Ah one more hour until your goal time and 5 miles to go! You've rocked that out in less than an hour before.  Here we geauxxx!

Alright back in the groove not so bad.. wait this is awful what was i thinking...

Wait where's my happy breathing...Ok distract yourself... (hears crash from behind)... oh goodness someone fell! I hope she's ok... she's got people helping her she's good....

This is miserable.  Why did I think I like running again? Some motivation... anything....

Ugh I have to pee again

If I turn down that street my parents' house isn't that far... ow ow ow charley horse!!

I don't think this mile could get any worse.  Wait! A bathroom! 

So much better! Alright 3 miles! That's an easy short day! You can totally rock this out! Think of the brunch....

This still isn't over... There's more... I am never doing this again....

ow ow ow charley horse ow ow ow STOP you are not ruining this last mile!

Where did these hills come from... You've got to be kidding me...

I don't think that finish line is real... 

geaux geaux geaux geaux- oh yeah... this is why I love it... when's the next one?

There are so many things that they don't tell you about running a half marathon.  There are so many things that you can't describe until you've experienced them first hand.  I learned more about myself and life during this 13.1 mile trek than I think I've ever learned before in that same time span.  The last 4 miles were the 4 hardest miles I've ever done.  I felt as though everything was piling up against me and I lost my motivation.  As the girl with endless motivation to conquer her crazy goals (I've got a really big 5 year one I can't wait to dive into), being on the course without any motivation for 10 minutes was 10 of the hardest minutes of my life.  I had to really dig deep to find it and bust out the last few miles.

I'm doing my best to focus on the positives of this race.  I ran my fastest 5k and 10k and set new PRs for both!  I probably got overly excited at the beginning and should have slowed down so I had more gas in my tank.  As still a relatively new runner setting the goal to run a half marathon and finishing it is an accomplishment and I can say I did that.  My stubborn and ambitious side fought as hard as she could and I wouldn't trade that for anything.

I absolutely loved the sense of community before, during, and after the race.  As you go along the course I loved seeing the random strangers cheering you on.  No one judges you and everyone is helping give you just a little extra push to help you make it through.  I made quite a few running friends who didn't know we were racing as we went.  We played leap frog throughout the race and I loved feeling as if I wasn't alone

My family eagerly waited for me at the finish line.  I never would have asked them to but knowing they were there (with a results and recovery/protein shake in hand) really helped me push through. I think my dad was more nervous than I was and he was more excited right after I finished (I still couldn't feel anything),

My stomach was a whole hot mess during this entire experience.  All week I had been extra careful about carb loading and tapering my miles.  Next time, I will approach this differently.  I will maintain my regular eating habits and longer runs throughout the week to help maintain my groove.  I felt off almost the entire race and I think that's because of excess fluff that the carbs brought with them.  I also was thrown quite a surprise when my pre-race breakfast was changed at the last minute.  During the race, I also got overly excited about the water/powerade hand outs every mile and a half.  During my training runs I definitely didn't drink that much as I went and it made a huge difference.  My stomach always felt calm while I trained and I want as close to that feeling as possible next time.

All throughout the day I've been plotting my next half marathon training schedule as I foam roll and massage my sore areas.  I know what I want to include and I know what I should avoid.  I know I can find the best training plan that works for me.

Even with all the mistakes and rough patches along the way, I am so excited to cross half marathon off my bucket list and move onto my next challenge!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

10 days out!

Back in September when I was at my Spinning Instructor training (still one of the greatest days ever), one of the friends I made was an avid runner.  Even back then, I find myself asking anyone who has more running experience than I do for hints and tricks to help improve.  With anything involving fitness I find myself wanting to be a sponge and soak up every bit of advice to help me constantly make changes and improve.  Her biggest piece of advice (besides Roctane flavors that weren't worth my time) was to run 3 miles and then spin as part of my training.  Tonight I finally had the opportunity to take her advice and man does it feel good! Tonight was also my first night back teaching and my class probably wishes I hadn't missed them so much.  Throughout the major sweat session (my favorite kind- only way to stay warm when the temperature is in the 20s) I couldn't stop smiling because my heart was literally so happy to be doing what I was doing.

With my race being 10 days away I am a mix of emotions! I'm terribly nervous and anxious and excited all at the same time.  I can't believe the day that I've been planning for since August is actually right around the corner.  This entire training process started out smooth and beautiful before life decided to throw curveballs left and right.  At the beginning my distance goals were easy and I could cruise them through.  Through all the ups and downs I've always had this day in mind and I'm pretty sure I don't know how I'm going to sleep the night before the race!  Knowing that I can tackle this even if I haven't had as many long runs as I'd like helps me remember to just enjoy the entire event.  Work hard, play hard has always been my motto and I couldn't imagine a better way to live!

I feel so incredibly thankful and blessed every day to live a life where I have the opportunities not only to follow my dreams academically, but I've changed my health and reached the point where I am now.  A year ago I struggled to run 3 miles.  While I'm not perfect and I know I still have a long way to go, I am so incredibly excited to have the opportunity to run 13.1 miles and know that it's right within my reach!

Friday, January 2, 2015

Perfectly Imperfect

I knew it was coming before I felt it.  Another rainy day interfered with my run so I decided to bust out the old Plyometrics DVD from P90X instead of push myself on the treadmill.  I felt the familiar sting in my calves and then thought, "Why did I just do to myself?"  I knew it wouldn't last long and it would be fine and yet I was even more sore the next day.  This same kind of pain happened about a month before when I subbed the Monday night spin class.  That sting came on our last hill and I felt like my calf was about to explode.  I immediately started scolding my calves on both occasions! My mind immediately jumped to STOP I NEED THOSE TO BE PERFECT!

After a few too many days of barely being able to not feel the sting in my calves (hello elliptical like crazy) I finally jumped back on my training schedule.  To say I feel derailed from my initial goals is an understatement.  I've had to adapt in so many ways I felt defeated as if I wouldn't make my goals.  I started talking to one of my best friends about these feelings (who just signed up for her first ironman...She's super impressive) and she reminded me that there is no such thing as a perfect training season.  She was a competitive runner all throughout high school and for a year in college.  She reminded me that she is still training and learning new ways to push her body and conquer new goals.  Hearing that she sometimes still struggled with her training schedule put things into perspective.  Here is someone who has been a runner for well over a decade and here I am still relatively new to running.  I was looking at this half as a one time only thing.  I was trying to be a perfectionist and finish my first half without stopping to walk at all and have some incredible time.  I stopped myself and thought who am I kidding! I have years of half marathons ahead of me.  This one is conquering the 13.1 miles for the first time and enjoying it.  I was striving for perfection and then being upset with myself when I wasn't reaching some crazy goals I had set for myself.  This entire challenge is about being better than I was yesterday and I am going to savor every second of being perfectly imperfect.

So my friends, I've decided that I want to take you along with me during my half.  I plan to have a certain someone with me at each mile or half mile (depending on how I narrow it down).  More realistically it'll probably be a song on my playlist.  If you have a favorite running song or just high energy awesome song send it my way and I'll think of you when it comes on!

Here's to embracing being perfectly imperfect and loving every minute :)